Total Uninstall - powerful installation monitor and advanced uninstaller. Total Uninstall creates a snapshot of your system prior to installing a new program. It then takes an additional snapshot after the installation has completed. It then compares the two snapshots and displays all changes in a graphical tree view, marking all registry values and/or files that have been added, changed or deleted. Total Uninstall saves these changes and, if you decide to uninstall the program, it will reverse the changes to the previous state.
Installed Programs module analyze existing installations and create a log with installation changes. It can uninstall programs even without the help of the supplied Add Remove program.
Just select from the list the program that you want to uninstall and in a few seconds Total Uninstall will analyze it and will show in a tree view detected files, folders, registry keys and values of that program. You can review the details and remove some of the detected items. Total Uninstall is ready to uninstall the analyzed program. It will use first the supplied Add Remove program and will continue removing remaining items using the log.
Monitored Programs module helps to monitor any changes made to your system during the installation of a new program. It allows you to perform a complete uninstall without having to rely on the supplied Add Remove program, which can leave files or changes behind.
Features - Accurate analyze existing installations and create a log with installation changes. - Monitor changes from registry and file system for new installations. - Uninstall completely and thoroughly analyzed or monitored programs. - Create a backup for a program and restore the program from backup. - Organize in groups installed or monitored programs. - Find the program to uninstall by keyword quickly and easily. - Summary and detailed information for each installed or monitored program. - User configurable views of the detected changes. - It shows a detailed uninstall log. - Powerful search in detected changes. - Standalone program agent for notification of running installation programs. - Export registry changes for install or uninstall. - Export installed or monitored programs list to file. - Export to file or print detected changes.
Total Uninstall[토탈 언인스톨] 최고의 언인스톨 프로그램
흔히 설치하신 프로그램을 삭제하실 때에는 윈도우 자체에 있는 프로그램 추가/제거 기능을 사용하실텐데요, 이때 대부분의 프로그램은 완전히 삭제되지 않고 일부 파일을 남김니다. 이 파일들은 시스템 성능을 저하시킬 수도 있고, 가끔은 컴퓨터 해킹 등에 악용되기도 합니다.
이런 문제들 때문에 등장한 프로그램들이 제가 소개하는 Total Uninstall, Your Uninstaller, Revo Uninstaller 등 입니다. 세 프로그램 모두 유료이며, 모두 좋은 성능과 특성을 가지고 있습니다. 저는 이 중 토탈 인언스톨러를 가장 선호합니다.
Total Uninstall 의 특징은 바로 스냅샷 기능 입니다. 이 기능은 프로그램이 설치된 전,후의 차이를 비교해서 프로그램의 잔해를 완전히 삭제하는 기능입니다. 매우 좋은 기능인 것 같습니다.